
July 2024
[Datacenter Networking] Our paper on rearchitecting the Random Early Detection for high performance transport in DCN is accepted by NSDI 2025.

July 2024
[Applied AI] Our paper on performing fine-grained and large-scale webpage fingerprinting via encrypted traffic analysis is accepted by ACM CCS 2024.

June 2024
[LLM Security / Privacy] Our paper on protecting LLM models by identifying key parameters is accepted by ICML 2024 NextGenAISafety workshop.

June 2024
[Academic Service] Invited to serve on the TPC of IEEE S&P 2025. Please consider to submit.

May 2024
[Privacy Computing for AI] CoGNN is awarded all three badges from ACM CCS 2024 artifact evaluation committee.

April 2024
[Privacy Computing for AI] Our paper CoGNN on training graph nerual networks (GNNs) over distributed and private graph data across multiple data providers is accepted by ACM CCS 2024. This work features multiple novel crypto constructions to realize fully-distributed and scalable GNN training/inference over distributed private graph data.

Feb 2024
[Privacy Theory in ML] Our paper on understanding the data privacy in FL is accepted by USENIX Secuirty 2024.

Jan 2024
[Network Security] Our paper on detecting and interpreting BGP anomalies at scale is accepted by USENIX Secuirty 2024.

Dec 2023
[Academic Services] Invited to serve on the TPC of ACM CCS 2024 (Machine Learning Security Track), Usenix Security 2024, SIGMETRICS 2024 and IEEE ICDCS 2024. Please consider to submit.

Dec 2023
[ML Systems] Our paper on intelligent network dataplane (INDP) is accepted by USENIX NSDI 2024, This work features the most advanced IDNP design that enables nerual network driven traffic analysis at line-speed.

Sep 2023
[Privacy Computing for AI] Our paper on privacy-preserving machine learning is accepted by NDSS 2024. This work features multiple novel cryptography constructions to accelerate AI training / inference over encrypted data.

Sep 2023
[Web Security] Our paper on zero-day Web attack detection is accepted by ACM CCS 2023.

August 2023
[Data & Privacy Computing] Our paper on building a utility-driven data marketplace is accepted by ACM CCS 2023. This work features a robust and verifiable Federated Learning architecture, underpinned by a secure model evaluation protocol to remove malicious model updates and a zero-knowledge proving system that ensures fair data trading.

August 2023
[Network Security] Our paper on Intelligent Network Data Plane wins the USENIX Security 2023 Distinguished Paper Award!

July 2023
[Network Security] One paper on encrypted traffic analysis is accepted by NDSS 2024. This work handles the challenging problem of obtaining robust models with low-quality training data.

June 2023
[Systems Security] One paper on contrainer security is accepted by USENIX Security 2023. This work reveals several key security issues for Cloud containers.

May 2023
[Web3.0 / Blockchain Infrastructure] One paper on transforming the legal sector towards Web3.0-friendly by (semi-)automatically representing legal agreements as smart contracts on Blockchain is accepted by ACM ISSTA 2023.

April 2023
[Datacenter Networking] One paper on the management plane of Google’s datacenter networking architecture is accepted by USENIX ATC 2023. This work features years of deployment and operational experiences at Google!

April 2023
[Datacenter Networking] One paper on optical datacenter networking design is accepted by IEEE ToN 2023.

March 2023
[Applied AI] One paper on multi-tab website fingerprinting attack (essentially analysis over encrypted network traffic) is accepted by IEEE S&P (Oakland) 2023.

Feb 2023
[ML System] One paper on certifying the ownership of DNN models is accepted by WWW 2023.

December 2022
[Academic Service] Invited to serve as the PC member for ACM CCS 2023. Welcome your contributions.

December 2022
[Invited Talk] Invited to give a talk about “Smart Contract and Zero-Knowledge Proofs” on a Web3.0 course offered by Graduate School of People’s Bank of China (Tsinghua Wudaokou).

December 2022
[Invited Talk] Invited to give a talk about “Intelligent Network Data Plane” on Huawei Datacenter Networking Forum.

November 2022
[Nework Infrastructure] One work accepted by ACM CoNEXT’22, on enabling content providers to retain complete control over user experiences and ecomonic/social fairness policies on the public Internet.

October 2022
[Academic Service] Invited to serve as the PC member for IEEE MetaCom 2023, a fresh venue on Metaverse and Web3.0. Welcome your contributions.

October 2022
[Invited Talk] Invited to give a talk on the 5th Huawei Forum on Trust and Privacy for the Future Digital World. Will give a talk titled “A Data-Centric View on Web3.0”.

October 2022
[Academic Service] Invited to serve as the PC member for IEEE ICDCS 2023, a well-established venue on parallel and distributed systems. Welcome your contributions.

September 2022
[ML System] One work accepted by USENIX Security’23, on an efficient design of Intelligent Network Dataplane (IDP) that natively enables ML-driven traffic analysis at line-speed.

September 2022
[New Members] Welcome to Haotian Xu and Chenyang Li to join InspiringGroup as graduate students.

September 2022
[Network Infrastructure] One work accepted by HotNets 2022, on unifying L3-layer Internet innovations in a more deployable manner.

July 2022
[ML System] One work accepted by ESORICS 2022, on verifiable out-sourced ML training.

February 2022
[Network Security] Two works accepted by IEEE TIFS’22, on Network Virtual Functions and Learning-based Congestion Control, respectively.

January 2022
[Academic Service] Invited to serve as the PC member of ACM CCS 2022.

December 2021
[Systems Security] Our work on detecting anomaly accesses to database systems is accepted by ACM SIGMOD’22.

October 2021
[Privacy Computing] Our work on performing practical differentially private online advertising is accepted by Computers & Security 2021.

October 2021
[Systems Security] Our work on hot-patching IoT devices to fix vulnerabilities based on eBPF is accepted by USENIX Security’22.

September 2021
[Systems Security] Our work on detecting malicious accounts in WeChat is accepted by ACSAC’21.

September 2021
[New Members] Served in the Technical Interview Committee for graduate student admission in Department of Computer Science and Institute of Cyberspace. Congrats to all new coming graudates of class 2022. Welcome Jinzhu and Xuanqi to join my group.

August 2021
[Systems Security] Our work on investigating Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) via causality analysis is accepted by USENIX Security’22. Source code is released.

August 2021
[ML Security] Our work on security of Graph Neural Networks is accepted by ACM CCS’21. Source code is released.

July 2021
[Privacy Computing] Our work on de-anonymizing encrypted networking traffic is accepted by IEEE TDSC’21.

July 2021
[Misc] Visit Prof. Xinbing Wang (my first-ever research advisor) from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Give a talk on datacenter networking and next-generation Internet architecture.

May 2021
[Web3.0/Metaverse] Our work on Web3.0 (the so-called blockchain-powered next-generation Internet or Metaverse) is accepted by IEEE TDSC’21. Source code is released.

March 2021
[Software-Defined Infrastructure] Our work on verifying software defined networking is accepted by IEEE TPDS’21. Source code is released.

March 2021
[Misc] Welcome Dai Zhang, Jiang Li & Zhenhua Zou. My research group at Tsinghua officially started!